Dear Daddy,

I’ve known this day was coming for a long time, but I wasn’t entirely prepared for it. I suppose it’s impossible to let someone you love go without a roller coaster of emotions, and the last few years have been quite the ride, haven’t they?

I knew that letting go would be difficult, but I continued to remind myself that this is the day you lived your entire life for. The tears come but are quickly replaced –  knowing that your spirit lives on. I imagine that your last breath here was quite the celebration in Heaven. I picture you being wrapped in Jesus’ loving arms hearing, “Well done, H.M., well done.” I’ll bet it was quite the reunion with family and friends.

Daddy, there are so many things to say that I hardly know where to begin. I do know that I will be forever thankful that God chose you for me. You have helped me to be the person I am today. To be raised by a mother and father with the character, morals, and values that you so desperately tried to instill in me is my greatest blessing. You were the man who always talked the talk and walked the walk, said what you meant and meant what you said, and you certainly did not spare the rod and spoil the child.

Now, here is my attempt to thank you for just a few of the things that mean a lot to me:

I love you and will see you soon.

Pee Wee