Aloe perryi is

Aloe perryi Aloe perryi , also known as Perry's aloe or Madagascar aloe, is a rare type of aloe that is native to Madagascar. It is know...

Aloe ferox is

Aloe ferox Aloe ferox , also known as Cape aloe or bitter aloe, is a type of aloe that is native to South Africa. It is known for its strong...

Aloe arborescens

Aloe arborescens Aloe arborescens , also known as "candle aloe" or "tree aloe," is a species of flowering plant in the A...

Aloe vera barbadensis

Aloe vera barbadensis Aloe vera barbadensis , also known as Aloe vera or Barbados aloe, is a type of aloe that is native to North Africa and...