Record high temperature 96.6°F Record low temperature -4.4°F Record high gust 21.0 mph Record high average 21.0 mph Record daily rain 1.72 in. Record low windchill -7.8°F Record high barometer 30.685 in. Record low barometer 28.996 in.
Daily high pressure 29.982 in. Daily low pressure 29.982 in. Daily low windchill 62.2°F Daily high heat index 62.2°F Daily high gust speed 8.1 mph W Daily high average speed 7.9 mph W
Manastash Canyon, WA - (Elevation 2700 ft. Lat: 46:57:60N Long: 120:47:60W)
LAST READING AT TIME: 10:40 PM DATE: November 29 2023, time of next update: 10:45 pm
Current Weather--- Current Temperature 62.2°F (16.8°C), Apparent temp 59.7°F
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)62.2°F at: 12:00 AM Minimum Temperature (since midnight)62.2°F at: 12:00 AM
Average windspeed (ten minute)3.5 mph Wind Direction (ten minute)W (270°)
Windchill Temperature 62.2°F Maximum Gust (last hour)4.0 mph at: 9:40 PM
Maximum Gust (since midnight)8.1 mph at: 12:00 AM Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)7.9 mph at: 12:01 AM
Rainfall (last hour)0.00 in. (0.0 mm) Rainfall (since midnight)0.00 in. (0.0 mm) ---
Rainfall This month 0.00 in. (0.0 mm) Rainfall To date this year 4.33 in. (110.0 mm)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.00 in/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.00 in/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.00 in DewPoint 41.7°F (Wet Bulb :52.3°F )
Humidity 47 %, Humidex 61.2°F Barometer corrected to msl29.982 in. (1015.3 hPa)
Pressure change 0.00 in. (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)+0.00 in Pressure change (last 6 hours)+0.00 in
Current Indoor Temp. 77.7°F
Current Indoor Hum. 31%

This page is updated from recent data collected by a DAVIS WMII weather station Use the Reload or Refresh facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Status report of weather station: Weather Station Collecting Data Since 5/5/2003 - Reset 9/15/2017

Click here for the last 24 hour graph
Click here for the last 48 hour graph
Click here for the last 72 hour graph
Click here for the month to date graph

Manastash Canyon

Doppler Radar Image (Image update every 60 minutes)

NoAA has changed how they process their images. I am currently working to display the new format image on this webpage, but you can view the new format image at National Weather Service Enhanced Radar Image

So just how hard is it raining? Use the scale below to determine rate of rainfall, the first number is DBz, the second number is inches per hour. Regarding hail,  hail is unlikely at 47DBz or less.  55DBz returns frequently indicate 1/4" to 1/2" hail, with 60DBz indicating 1" hail or greater.
20  Trace 30 0.10" 36 0.25" 41 0.50" 47 1.25" 52 2.5" 55 4.00" 60 8.00" 65 16+"

Infrared Satellite Image (Image updated every 60 minutes)

The data is logged at two minute intervals, but there is data recorded every minute. Best viewed in 800 x 600 and True colour. On the graph, the Blue line represents the average windspeed, the Red line is the maximum gust for that interval, and the Green line is what the wind has dropped off to in the same interval. Fuschia is the Barometer, and the dew point and Blue is humidity.

The doppler radar and infrared satelite images are courtesy of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Many thanks to Gregg A. Potter CEO of AnythingWeather Communications, Inc. & Widespread Weather Services, Inc., because of Gregg, I will never look at a cloud the same again.

Use the RELOAD facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.

Click here for a daily update of the averages/extremes to date for the month

Your comments are always welcome, Mail to: The Webmaster Terry

Created by "Weather Display" software version 10.37S at this start time/date 8:50:07 AM 9/14/2017

This web page has been viewed Free Web Counters According to Free Web Counters. Restarted on 8/16/2008 do to a failure of the main weather station computer.